This is a picturesque section of the Badlands National Park near the entrance in Cactus Flats, South Dakota. Right after this a wind storm blew in that literally ripped campers and motorcycle trailers apart on the interstate as we drove toward Pierre! I have pics of those, too.

Eight bucks is just too darn much for a movie ticket, but if you’re going to spend eight bucks it had better be at the Grand Theaters. At least they built a facility that gives me the impression that they value my eight bucks. They make going to the movies an experience.

I ran top camera as well as ringside camera for the Mixed Martial Arts thing that came to town. It was quite a ride. Two heavyweight fighters rammed into the chain link wall of the Octagon so hard that it bowed out far enough to bonk my video camera! Thankfully the viewfinder didn’t give me a black eye…we’ll save those for the guys
inside the ring.

North Dakota continues to have the best skies. Of course, I give all the credit to the God who created them for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11).

A couple of Christmases ago I was able to ride my motorcycles and document the occasion. It was a little icy in places but that’s no problem.

I built this little electonic “cricket” that chirped until it sensed light. I then deposited it at a friend’s house, who proceeded to check all his smoke detectors and stuff like that before finally discovering it. I score myself pretty highly on this one, but the victim is actually the guy who gave me the idea when he built one a long time ago to use on our coworker. Things came full circle for him, and now I’m the one watching my back!

Of course I’ve got to have a picture from the handgun range. I don’t spend nearly as much time here as I did when I was young and single, but I’m still quite handy with a pistol.

I did lots of photography for the event when Jason Britton (of “Superbikes” on the Speed Channel) came to town. He and his buddy Tony did lots of stunts during the July 4th Parade last year and I was along for the ride. This is after the parade, riding the Cycle Hutt float back to the shop with Jason. That’s Amos (of the 5-Oh variety) in the foreground.

I’m all for a funny license plate; I’ve had a few myself! Guess what? We’re
all CO2 emitters. Climate change is a hoax. And some people are able to have a sense of humor about it. Good on ’em.

The Red Dragon. No, I’m not referring to the Thomas Harris novel. This particular dragonfly stood so still at the Game & Fish Headquarters OWLS lake that I was able to take pics with my camera
and my phone.
That almost exhausts my noteworthy cellphone photos. Almost As luck would have it, interesting and quirky things present themselves to me on a daily basis (especially the mirror) and I try to capture them the best I can. More to come…