Earl Pomeroy’s office lying to, threatening North Dakota constituents and media…oh yeah, he’s under investigation too

“The BS is piled up this high around me, and I’m afraid North Dakotans are sick of it!”

Things are getting even more interesting for the hapless Earl Pomeroy, Democrat congressman from North Dakota. Not only is he trailing in the polls badly after his vote for Obamacare, but he’s also under ethics investigation for the curious timing of a fundraiser orchestrated for him by a former staffer the night before his vote on a financial bill in Congress.

On the Say Anything radio show a caller claims he was threatened by a staffer in Pomeroy’s office when he called to ask if Pomeroy has taken any bribes in exchange for his support of the Democrat agenda. Yikes! This from the office of the same Earl Pomeroy who refused to meet with his constituents before voting to toe the line for Obamacare last year. Not only does he not want to hear from his constituents, apparently his office is prepared to get nasty over it.

This is nothing new; apparently they’re threatening the media too. According to the Grand Forks Herald, Pomeroy’s office got a TV ad critical of Pomeroy’s vote pulled from the airwaves of at least one North Dakota television network, the stations run by KNDX TV here in Bismarck.

When asked by the Bismarck Tribune about the investigation into his fundraising, Pomeroy’s office simply showed that they think North Dakotans don’t deserve an answer from their “representative” in Congress.

Next, his office lied to the Grand Forks Herald when they claimed that “More than 60 percent of his campaign contributions came from North Dakotans — people from North Dakota.”

All it takes is a simple web query such as this one via opensecrets.org to show that Earl Pomeroy gets 80% of his money from out of state, NOT 40%. His office is lying to you.

North Dakotans have wised up to you, Congressman Pomeroy. That’s why you’re trailing in the polls despite spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in union money to attempt a facelift and salvage your sorry political career.

No wonder the Democrats want to regulate the Internet via the FCC…it took me less than fifteen minutes to come up with the information you see above. I may rant about politics on occasion, in order to stand up for principles I believe in, but unlike Pomeroy’s office, I can back it up. Anything in this post you see in colored text is a link to corroborate what I say. Do yourself a favor: stay informed, don’t fall for Pomeroy’s lies, and vote him out in November! Oh yeah…inform your friends, too. Politicians like Earl Pomeroy prefer uninformed constituents. Don’t give them what they want.

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