Washington Times catches up with me on Earl Pomeroy’s ties to Big Labor

I’m up to here in filthy Labor Union money!

I’ve been decrying Earl Pomeroy’s indebtedness to big labor unions for longer than I can remember. Just last week I posted about this, so scroll down if you missed it. Labor unions, which represent less than seven percent of North Dakota’s workers, are the majority of Earl Pomeroy’s top career-long contributors. They’re bankrolling a lot of those ads for Earl that are flooding the airwaves lately. And they’re getting what they paid for!

I’m glad to note that finally the mainstream media is picking up on this, most notably this article in the Washington Times. They’re connecting the dots too, and it’s really not that tough once someone starts paying attention. The problem (and reason why North Dakota elects Pomeroy, Conrad, and Dorgan) is that nobody has been paying attention for a long, long time. Times have changed, and they don’t bode well for Earl.

The legislation mentioned in the WT article can be summed up like this:

– First, Labor unions wrangle and cajole benefits from employing businesses like a giant tick bleeding a dog dry. They do whatever they can to force these employers to provide benefits far and above what normal working families receive, and which are in many cases unsustainable.

– Next, when they’re on the verge of bringing the employer to the point of closing up shop and leaving all those union employees to twist in the wind, they go to folks like Earl Pomeroy to write up a government bailout.

– In the end, the business gets screwed, the union hacks get what they want, we taxpayers get the bill, and Democrats get money and rent-a-thugs for their election campaigns.

We’re watching, Earl. We’re doing the math and watching your every move. You’d better start looking for a new job come November. Maybe one with a big, fat labor union benefits package!

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