Does waddling around in a hoodie exude an air of competent leadership?

I had to do a double take during the Independence Day parade in Mandan last week. This photo I took shortly afterward pretty much says it all. How professional does a candidate of any persuasion look in a hoodie, baseball cap, and dark shades? In what way could that possibly portray competent leadership?

That’s how senate candidate Heidi Heitkamp took to the street to push the same duplicitous campaign strategy North Dakota Democrats have employed for decades: class envy, campy talk of a nebulous “North Dakota Way”, and saying one thing here while acting like good little leftist lap dogs back in Washington, DC.

I feel compelled to clarify that no, I’m not mocking Heidi’s looks. This is about attire. I think anyone pursuing a position of leadership should dress for public appearances like they’re applying for the job…every time.

For instance: despite their poor performance as representatives of North Dakota, you could count on Dorgan, Conrad, and Pomeroy to put on a nice flannel or farmer-ish shirt and a new set of jeans or khakis when they came back to North Dakota to act all “local.” Whichever handler allowed Heidi to go parade walkin’ with the Unabomber get-up, however, should be given a different assignment.

One other item in this photo speaks volumes about the Democrat candidate for senate: trying to distribute treats from an empty bucket. I can’t think of a better way to portray the bloated federal bureaucracy with Democrats in charge. Maybe there’s a float from China nearby waiting to loan her some candy to distribute to the hoi polloi in an effort to buy votes.

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