Crystal chandeliers

Great…now I have the Charley Pride song stuck in my head after titling this post. I almost came home empty-handed in my search for cool photos of iced-up trees on Sunday; just as I got out the clouds rolled in and obscured the sun. I did see that frozen mitt from my previous post, but didn’t really see anything overwhelming in the trees. But then, on my way home, I spotted this.

As you can see, the sun wasn’t giving up so easily. It managed to burn its way through the haze and clouds intermittently, which required some near-frostbitten patience from yours truly. It was absolutely critical to wait until the sun was shining behind this ice in order to highlight it, and I was willing to wait.

I tell my little boys that a sunny day does not always equal a warm one. It did, however, equal a great photo opportunity for a fleeting moment…one in which I was poised and ready to capture a few shots.

The ice that adorned these branches is gone now, so I am glad I was able to sneak out and catch a glimpse. Of course, the best part of seeing such a sight is sharing it with others; that’s the reason I got my cameras in the first place. I’m naturally curious to begin with, and the nature of my work so often puts me in places where I get to see things most people don’t get to see. I think that’s why so many people in law enforcement pick up photography as a hobby, by the way.

I have one more set of icy photos from the day, and I think I’ll post them pretty soon. This storm really provided ample opportunity!

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