Even if you don’t believe it – THEY DO

Webster defines fundamentalism as “a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles.” I’m a fundamentalist Christian. I believe that the Bible is the inerrant, inspired word of God. I try to read it daily, I believe what it says, and I strive to live my life accordingly. I don’t get to pick and choose which parts of it I think are authentic and which parts are not. That includes the parts such as “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

By the same token, what is a fundamentalist Muslim? He reads the Koran and Hadith, believes that they are the inerrant word of their god, written in heaven. They try to read it daily, believe what it says, and strive to live their lives accordingly. They don’t get to pick and choose which parts they think are authentic and which parts are not. That includes the parts that give instruction to “strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.”

For some reason, nobody seems to want to even address the fact that what these hateful, sick people are doing in the guise of a religion comes from the fundamentals of their beliefs. The muslims believe that the Koran was written by their god in their version of heaven…why would they presume to weed out the parts of it that are not politically correct? If it’s in there, they believe it. Period. And if that’s how their god instructs them, those are the instructions they’re obligated to carry out. Yet nobody wants to acknowledge this! These fundamentalists are the TRUE muslims, the ones who take the words of the Koran at face value. Yet it seems more convenient for the deceived westerners to simply label them as “extremists” and be done with them.

The Religion of Peace™ at work in Iraq

It’s jaw-dropping to see how the wool is being pulled over Western eyes when it comes to Islam. Even a lot of Christians are deceived about it (For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. –Matthew 24:24) and you have to dig for yourself to find any real information on the so-called Religion of Peace. Go to the solarium at St. Alexius Medical Center and you’ll find a Koran in a glass case, turned to a page talking about how Allah is scolding Israel for being disobedient. This is symptomatic of the entire Western world right now. It’s not just that people are too distracted by American Idol to care, it’s a nearly willful disregard of what the muslim world is doing and plans to do.

Even our own President, who professes to be a born-again Christian believer, refers to Islam as the “Religion of Peace.” It seems like the whole world seems to be grabbing its collective ankles to accomodate Islam, while at the same time trying to rid itself of Christianity. If religion itself is the problem, as liberals claim, then why cozy up to muslims while trying to force Christians out of public society? For some reason Islam is the giant elephant in the room that nobody acknowledges, and it defies all logic or reasoning.

After the September 11th, 2001 attacks, already groups were lining up to make a memorial there that explains why the poor persecuted muslims were forced to do it. The Crusades, which were the Christians’ way of stopping a muslim onslaught into Europe, have been re-branded as a Christian imperialism into the pristine holy lands of Islam. You don’t dare take a Bible or appear to pray in public school, but some of those same schools are requiring classes on Islam. Does any of this make any sense?

Imagine how many European panties would become irreparably twisted into an angst-ridden bunch if President George W. Bush, a born-again Christian, were to preface an address to the United Nations with the following:

“Lord God, I thank you in the name of your son, my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, for this opportunity to address this Assembly on behalf of the great nation of the United States of America. I also praise you, Father, for gathering this body of people together, that we may bring our expression of views and aspirations for the world which you’ve created. We seek you, Lord, humanity craves your Truth, your Justice, and your teaching to love others as we love ourselves. I praise you, Lord, for this blessing, and ask your guidance…in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Democrats would immediately draw up impeachment paperwork, liberal blogs would seethe till the very Internet melted, and the whole world would be raving with fear about the “Crusader” George Bush. He’s been called that already, and never had to utter a public prayer to do so! Yet, here’s how the President of Iran prefaced his address to the UN General Assembly in September:

“I praise the Merciful, All-Knowing and Almighty God for blessing me with another opportunity to address this Assembly on behalf of the great nation of Iran and to bring a number of issues to the attention of the international community.

I also praise the Almighty for the increasing vigilance of peoples across the globe, their courageous presence in different international settings, and the brave expression of their views and aspirations regarding global issues.

Today, humanity passionately craves commitment to the Truth, devotion to God, quest for Justice and respect for the dignity of human beings. Rejection of domination and aggression, defense of the oppressed, and longing for peace constitute the legitimate demand of the peoples of the world, particularly the new generations and the spirited youth, who aspire a world free from decadence, aggression and injustice, and replete with love and compassion. The youth have a right to seek justice and the Truth; and they have a right to build their own future on the foundations of love, compassion and tranquility. And, I praise the Almighty for this immense blessing.”

He really did say this to the United Nations, and claimed on videotape “I felt the atmosphere suddenly change. And for those 27 or 28 minutes, the leaders of the world did not blink. . . . It seemed as if a hand was holding them there, and it opened their eyes to receive the message from the Islamic Republic.” Granted, he’s praying to a god that doesn’t exist, but still…isn’t it amazing how he was praised by the press, accepted in as a great dignitary, and generally fawned over? Had a Christian of any stature tried something like this, they’d have been the subject of an immediate discreditation campaign and run out on a rail. Had the President of the United States prayed before the UN General Assembly, the repercussions would be felt for months.

Video from a mosque in Iraq

Before I get into the eschatological part of this, let me just say this for any atheists or non-Christians who might be reading. I had 11,171 hits on Wednesday alone; I have to assume there are some of you among my readers. Even if you don’t believe in Christianity or Islam or any religion whatsoever, they do. Look at what these people are saying! They’re broadcasting it, webcasting it, teaching it in their schools, and indoctrinating their children with it. Heck, it’s been going on for a long time…wouldn’t it make sense even to the greatest of skeptics that sooner or later, this stuff is going to get some traction?

Now for the religious “end times” stuff. We Christians believe that in the end times, there will be tremendous violence and chaos, at which time a great peacemaker will appear. The born-again Christian believers will then be taken up to be with Jesus in what is referred to as the Rapture. Back on earth, however, this peacemaker is an Antichrist and a deceiver who will bring about seven years of tribulation. He will form a one-world religion, and any who reject it will be beheaded. Those who accept it will get a mark on their head or in their hand. Ahmadinejad is praying for his god to send the Mahdi, a so-called perfect human being, to come and bring peace to the world. Sound familiar? The deception’s running rampant and the pieces are in place.

And who’s doing the beheading these days? Muslims. From the Indonesian muslims that stalked and beheaded a group of Christian schoolgirls last month for a Ramadan trophy to the cowards over in Iraq who can post their beheadings on the Internet but don’t have the sack to do it without a mask on, the beheading club in this big ol’ world of ours exclusively practices Islam. And guess who’s out there claiming that Iran will put a mark on the forehead of its enemies? Good old president Ahmadinejad. I watched Iranian video of him saying it tonight. He believes it’s his duty to bring about the return of their chosen one, which can only be done by chaos and violence. He’s publicly calling for the annihilation of Israel, yet over here the lefties claim George Bush is a terrorist. It’s downright spooky.

While Islam gets a major re-branding and image makover here in the West, it’s amazing how they’re training their kids to be martyrs, even in their cartoons. They’re plotting the bloody conflict with the West, while we sit back and wonder if Britney Spears will get custody of her kids in her divorce from K-Fed and send our kids to “Understanding Islam” classes. It’s just plain sick.

Cartoon teaching little kids to be martyrs in Jihad

This week on CNN Headline News, Glenn Beck hosted a special where they show cartoons, TV shows, and what the Islamic leaders are saying over in their home territory. It is downright chilling. They come here with warm smiles and talk of peace and get treated like celebrities. They then return home and incite crowds numbering in the hundreds of thousands into martyrdom and hatred of the Western world. There’s also a movie called “Obsession” which describes what muslims are saying back in their world, as opposed to what their CAIR mouthpieces are spouting here in the United States and other western nations. Both of these deserve your attention. While CNN Headline News is replaying the Glenn Beck special tonight, the movie is still awaiting theatrical release.

You can view the Glenn Beck special here as long as the link is valid: YouTube

You can find out more about the Obsession movie here on its official site: Obsession: the Movie

Want even more information about what these people are really saying and planning about us? memritv.com

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