A ride to check out some ridez

I added a mountain bike to the stable weeks ago, but I hadn’t found an opportunity to actually get out and rock it until today. I did a leisurely 15-miler around town, and in the middle of that I was able to check out a pretty cool selection of other people’s rides…or ridez, to use their style. As I biked past the capitol building, I noticed that the Carz-n-Cures charity car show event was taking place in the northwest parking lot of the capitol grounds. Naturally, I had to stop by.

Right off the bat I spotted some cool and quirky stuff, like this Camaro with less-than-conventional doors. I can only imagine how much fun those are!

Looks pretty cool. Definitely not something you’d see every day. But then it was time to move along and check out the rest of the show.

There were the usual classic cars, all of them appreciable. I particularly like this guy, because it has a certain renegade thing going on. Classic hot rods aren’t really my thing, but I can sure appreciate them.

Do we match? I don’t have flames, but I think the colors are reasonably compatible.

A face only a mother could love? I have always had a particular affinity for Firebirds. Naturally I was drawn to this one. But there’s one place I really needed to go…

Corvette row, of course! Look at this pristine beauty. Far older than I am, but I still remember putting together models of this car when I was a kid.

Naturally, I like the more modern equivalent. When it comes to cars, just like with motorcycles, I am all about technology. And what better technology than the new ‘Vette? Tasty.

After checking out a pack of C8s, I decided to show some love to this, a rare Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4. Made in 1995, it already had electronic suspension, all-wheel drive, and all wheel steering. It had some counterparts in the Nissan 300ZX and others, but this was the slickest in my opinion. The owner was delighted that I recognized it for what it was, knew all about its specs and recognized some aftermarket enhancements.

But really…let’s talk trucks. Big ones. Gnarly ones. Trucks encased in bedliner, like this Ram. Capable of doing some really fun business, like roaming section lines with a guy’s cameras and drones.

Speaking of gnarly, here’s the gnarliest. I’m not a Dodge guy, but I think this thing just made a convert.

But the most beautiful sight of the day, this ol’ Chevy K10. Wow. It’s just plain breathtaking.

Born in 1961, this beauty worked in government service before restoration. Now it looks ready for prime time, and it was without a doubt my favorite entry in the show today.

Remember how I mentioned that this event took place in the northwest lot of the capitol grounds? Well, there were some state fleet vehicles still in attendance. that’s one way to get ol’ SF7800 into a show where people can take the time to see it isn’t black, but dark blue-green.

Having taken in all the sights of the show and selecting my faves, it was time to pedal on back to the shop and relax, satisfied in a successful maiden voyage on the new bike and with a few unexpected photos to boot!

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