This was the sky that greeted us as my little boys and I reached the top of the hill at the University of Mary. I was done with work for the day and took them in the truck to see a sunset. That’s something we haven’t been able to do a lot lately, for a variety of reasons.

While the sky to the north and east was clear, this line of clouds awaited us to the west. It gave us a great display but cut the sunset short as the clouds grew thicker above the horizon. It was still a glorious sight.
Now that the sunset is getting later in the day, I’m able to enjoy this with my little boys. Over winter it occurs before I’m done with work for the day, and in midsummer it occurs way after the little guys need to go to bed. That means we’re now approaching the “sweet spot” of our sunset viewing availability window. I’m so blessed that my little guys like to chase sunsets with Daddy!