28,000 at Papa’s Pumpkin Patch

pumpkin_patch_28000This has been an incredibly busy year, both with work and with being husband and Daddy.  I did take one of my cameras with to Papa’s Pumpkin Patch this past weekend to accompany my boys, and I did get a couple of decent zip-line photos, but for the most part it was unremarkable photographically.  I was just following my little dudes around and letting them enjoy the day and the amazing autumn world the PPP folks have assembled once again this year.

I did hit a milestone, on this particular camera I crossed the 28,000 photo mark.  That’s what’s pictured above.  While not a remarkable photo, it did what I wanted for memory’s sake: show my little dudes atop a large pyramid of bales with blue sky and a little bit of green leaves in the background.  That’ll work.

If you haven’t gone to the Patch yet, make sure you do so before it’s too late!  You can check out their schedule and other information at www.papaspumpkinpatch.com – they even post weather updates there so you can find out if they’ve closed due to rain or other factors.  They also have a Facebook Page if you’re into that sort of thing.  Don’t let it be one of those things you plan to do but then never accomplish before the season suddenly passes you by!

One thought on “28,000 at Papa’s Pumpkin Patch

  1. This picture of your boys brings back memories of my brother and I staying on my Uncle Bert’s farm southeast of Napoleon, ND. His bale stack were the largest thing I saw as a 10 year old and great to play on. Although my uncle was a stern man because he had to run the farm, he slacked back when it came for us kids to play on the hay bales.
    Great picture.

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