While out on the road I keep an eye out for things like windmills (obviously) and old farm equipment like threshing machines. Even one who doesn’t naturally look for those things would have no trouble at all spotting this one along Highway 200.

As you can see, the owner is no fan of President Obama or Senator Kent Conrad, and has no problem outlining the relationship between the two. You’ll get no disagreement from me on this one, especially in their duplicitous behavior toward our state’s energy industry (of which I’m particularly proud). Besides, that’s one of the more inventive uses I’ve seen for an obsolete 1-meter C-band satellite dish lately.

Did he mention that Obama lies? I’m not sure of the metaphor he’s going for with the toilet seats, but I suspect it’s something similar to
the message conveyed on this truck seen around the Bismarck-Mandan area.

If you’ve got an idea what this is all supposed to mean, post a comment. It’s got me more curious than anything I’ve seen along the enchanted highway. I’m familiar with the hand gesture given by the figure on the left…the Democrats have been giving this country the bird since they gained control of Congress in 2006. Why they’re chasing ducks I’m not exactly sure, so I’ll leave that open for your input.
You know the Democrat Party has really screwed things up when normally reserved North Dakotans are putting up displays like these and attending protest rallies in the hundreds. Normally we just go about our business and want to be left alone, so for a political party to elicit these kinds of reactions speaks volumes.