I’ve mentioned before that I never intended to photograph or write a “tour of ol’ Mandan High”, and I have not. In fact, for a good portion of my wanderings I put my 100mm macro lens on the camera! Instead, I opted to find and capture interesting sights in my alma mater. Like this photo, for example: it makes a clever play on the Mandan slogan, “Where the west begins.” I like it.

I can hear both items in this picture. How about you? Class bells and fire alarms…boy, those are far distant memories at this point.

Good to see that Old Glory on display in the band room, and no “other” flags. The classroom is the perfect place for patriotism.

What times did the bell ring when you were in school? I can’t remember. I do have a pretty funny “and then the bell rang…” story from my time at MHS, but that’ll have to wait for another post.

This light switch, on the wall in the hallway leading to the gymnasium, looks pretty traumatized by the idea of the school building being closed and, presumably demolished. Sorry, little guy. At least the googly eyes let you know where you stand with it (if you get that reference, comment below).

There’s nothing quirky or unusual about this hallway, stairway, or window, is there? No…unless you’re me, and your eye catches quirky things everywhere you go. In this case, the quirk is just outside the window.

I looked outside at the air conditioner – yes, MHS has air conditioning now, not like when we real men went to school here – and spotted this. Someone zip-lined Batman and Captain America down that way. I don’t know what the mission is, but they appear to be a little hung up at the moment. I smirked with delight at this discovery.

Hey, the Knuckle Buster 5000! I took it for a little spin, just to let my knuckles rap the wall a little bit for old times’ sake.
I’m not done yet – come back soon, and there will be a few more views of Mandan High from my unique perspective!