I took a little photography road trip recently, setting up my pup tent at Graham’s Island, and generally roaming the area. it was fantastic. I keep a keen eye out for anything scenic as I roam our great state, and this little farmstead caught my attention.

Ever since I discovered the Gray House in the ghost town of Sims, I’ve been fond of brick. Naturally, this boarded-up structure was one of the first things I noticed.

Right away I noticed the boarded-up windows. The sloped roof was pretty cool, too. Notice the television antenna lying across the peak. I have one of those in my attic, the Yagi variety, and I get 100% signal on all Bismarck-Mandan stations.

It looks like there was a porch or entryway here at one point, but I arrived too late and missed it. I bet this was a fantastic place many years ago! But it wasn’t the only structure here…

This garage now has an open side. It’s nestled in the trees, sheltered pretty good on the other side, so I imagine it’ll stand like this for quite some time. I’ll have to pay it a visit again someday.

Who wouldn’t notice something as beautiful as this? The building is leaning at a pretty good angle right now, so the clock is probably ticking toward its demise. But for now it looks simply beautiful, and despite the smoke in the air making the skies a bland gray, I really like this shot.

I wonder if the tree will arrest the fall at some point? I think it’s too far away to make a difference. Despite the lean, this building has held together very nicely. Old world craftsmanship, there.
I poked around for a few minutes, but I had a timetable to keep, so it was time to head down the road to the next stop on my adventure. I try to allow extra time on these photo trips for when I discover “targets of opportunity”, but I only have so many hours of daylight to work with. So, on we go…more to come soon!