Wayward wagon

I was venturing down a rural highway in northeastern North Dakota when I spotted this old wagon on a hill overlooking the road. I actually had to keep moving, as I had a deadline to meet up at Icelandic State Park, but I punched a quick marker in my Garmin in case I ever came this way again. Not likely, I thought. But then…

A couple days later, I found myself heading back down this same highway as I got up early to head westward. I had a new deadline to make, and I wanted to give myself as much extra time as possible. It was when I saw the marker for this wagon pop up on my map that I realized I was on the same highway – and this time I would be able to stop.

What really caught my eye about this particular item was the exposed spokes on one wheel. Once it had grabbed my attention and I ventured up the hill to check it out, it was time to work all the angles.

I’d struck camp and headed west early in the morning, and I had the benefit of some warm morning light when I first came upon this site. It was changing rapidly, though, so I had to act quickly to take advantage of the diffused sunlight. It’s my favorite condition, because it eliminates all those hard shadows which make this type of photography difficult at times.

I kinda had to thread the needle a bit here; there was a highway on one side, albeit downhill, and one of those accursed wind farms to the other. Thankfully I was able to work with the narrow aisle in between, and it was a great way to start my morning! I was delighted that my trip plan took me past this old wagon again, since many of the waypoints I mark are gone by the time I’m able to return to them. With this one captured, I continued on my way, making my next deadline even though there were more unexpected stops. I’ll share those soon.

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