11 years before the Enchanted Highway? Geese in Flight

Articles like the one pictured above have indicated a resolution over whether or not a giant metalwork along I-94, erected in 2001, can stand and be accessible to the public. I had to include a screenshot of the article above because it pictures the atrocious misspelling of the words “temporarily” or “enchanted” – the latter being an especially important word in this case. I make my share of typographical errors as well, probably even within this post, and usually while pointing out someone else’s typos. But I feel compelled to point out that “enchanted” might be one of two words they’d really want to get right.

An astute person commenting on Facebook pointed out that an ornament like this actually appeared in the 1990 film Edward Scissorhands, so I had to look back in my collection to be sure. Yep…there it is. That made me even more curious, so I had to hit “the Google” for a minute.

A quick search for “geese sunburst wall ornament” produced a ton of results. That was a surprise. Apparently this design has been out there in various forms for a long, long time in a surprising number of permutations.

I’m not going to accuse “Geese in Flight” of being an act of plagiarism; more likely it may be an homage to such ornaments, which have apparently graced many a living room over the years. Personally, I think it’s an eyesore…but I’ve always been under the impression that it’s an original eyesore. Apparently not, since it’s been gracing living rooms since the twentieth century. One learns something new every day!

It’s raining again

I hope this puts the tune “Remarkable Cows” in your head – why should I have all the fun?  I took a little time to roam with my cameras on Friday, thinking I might get some drone time, but the rain dampened those expectations.  It also came down on these cows, some of whom showed that just because you’re big and slow doesn’t mean you’re stupid.  They found shelter on the porch of a dilapidated house in their pasture.


I don’t blame ’em – it’s no fun getting soaked when all you’re trying to do is get the weekend off to a decent start.  Unlike me, they have no waterproof gear.  So, mama took the kiddos to the porch for some respite.


It’s rather pragmatic, but I don’t know why I found it so amusing.  So amusing, in fact, that I didn’t notice that the chimney of the house had tipped over.  I only spotted that later when looking at the photos.

I don’t know why I found these cows so amusing.  I guess since I’m a city/mountain kid.  In any case, good for them.  We should all spend more time hanging out on the front porch.

Need a place to faceplant in Mandan? Look no further

faceplant_zone_ip_1764This sign has since been fixed, but as I stopped near the Trolley Bridge on my motorcycle a while ago I noticed it and thought it was slightly funny.  Opinions may vary.  It looks like the sign is indicating a Faceplant Zone, newly paved for your comfort!


faceplant_zone_ip_1761What happens in Mandan stays in Mandan…

Folks are known to faceplant in Mandan, after all…why not have a zone just for them?  The only problem is the traffic.  Maybe that’s why they reconsidered and fixed the sign. 🙂


My name is Sue! How do you do?

salem_sue_dji_0019I had the opportunity to swing thru New Salem the other night and pay the “World’s Largest Holstein Cow” a visit.  The last time I had my little boy with me and he used his toy Vtech digital camera to take some 640×480 stills of it.  Well, this time I had a different angle in mind.


salem_sue_dji_0073I’ve always wanted this angle, although she looks a little angry right now.  Maybe that’s when I started getting the Johnny Cash song in my head.


salem_sue_dji_0065And there’s the gleam in her eye, as she surveys the Morton County Fair site on the east side of School Hill.  That won’t be till August, though.

There are other giant fiberglass cows out there, but I can’t find any evidence of one bigger.  Here’s a site that details some of them.  Didn’t see another holstein, so perhaps New Salem’s claim holds true.

After years of driving Divide Avenue, I couldn’t take it any more

The life of a freelancer does not jive well with sleeping normal hours (or at all, some days).  The past month and a half has been insane and, while I’ve been buying a lot of gear and software with the proceeds, I haven’t actually gotten to use any of it for my own enjoyment.  Yet.

You know how I say, “The best camera is the one you have with you!” ad nauseum?  Well, in this case I took my iPod Touch out to snap a quick pic with some Photoshop in mind.

winger_aptsEvery time I drive down East Divide Avenue and pass the Winger Apartments, I can’t help but start singing “Seventeen” or “Down Incognito”.  I’m not a Winger fan, but I’m aware of the body of work.  So in this case I dug up a photo of Kip Winger, threw it in the foreground, and while it is not my finest work it at least got this out of my system.

If I was a renter here I’d get a cardboard standup of Winger and put it in the window.  How many folks do you think would get it?

Now that’s recycling

spidey_ip_4869I was up in Minot last night as part of one of the video crews covering the Century-Minot boys’ basketball games that evening.  Man, were those two INTENSE games.  After initial setup it was time for a Fuddrucker’s run (it’s ALWAYS time for that).  As I rounded the corner in the commons area, though, I was confronted by our friendly neighborhood webslinger.


spidey_ip_4871It looks like Spidey was made from recycled streamers or other pep club materials, plus a lot of plastic and tape.  In any case, it was an admirable rendition.  No explanation as to why he was there, though.


spidey_ip_4872My compliments to the sculptor(s) of this tribute to my favorite Marvel superhero.  The web was a nice touch, even getting his fingers in the right position to match the way he’s drawn in the comics.

You never know what you might find when you come around the corner.  After all, I encountered the Batphone in an armory in Dickinson two years ago!


The scary thing is, it was swinging

ndak_windchime_32350I’ve wanted to take a photo of this oddity for a long, long time.  I actually got an opportunity today while on the road for another errand in western North Dakota, and researched the odd route needed to reach it.

This and a couple of other items reside along the south side of I-94 west of Glen Ullin, but one has to take a long route to the north to reach them, cutting back across a county road to an overpass and a frontage road.

I guess I can finally cross this off my photo bucket list!  It’s interesting to note that as I bracketed exposures to deal with the harsh sunlight directly behind it, I caught the chain actually swaying slightly.  I don’t recall the wind being that strong, so maybe it was residual motion from my little boys climbing to the top of it.  I guess I’ll never know.