How to know where you stand with your combine: googly eyes

This sight during the Mandan parade on July 4th made me laugh. It immediately reminded me of a certain Saturday Night Live skit featuring Christopher Walken. I haven’t actually watched Saturday Night Live in many, many years (is Dana Carvey still on the cast?) but someone told me about this particular skit. It was hilarious. It is one of the few things on SNL that isn’t vulgar, so I invite you to watch:

After seeing this, I put googly eyes on the cactus in our office, since it was literally poking up a ceiling tile above it. At least now I know where I stand with it. After all, cacti have pricklers…

Somebody had a fun idea this weekend

It even survived the warm Saturday…until some jerk knocked it over! Naturally I don’t consider this weekend’s holiday to be “Easter” or bunny season, since Sunday for me is the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. This is pretty cool, though, and someone went through a lot of work!

This one across the intersection looks like it took a lot more sun in the face. Valiant efforts nonetheless.

Update: This is how the federal government “fixes” things

As I went to the post office to buy stamps last night, I couldn’t help but notice this funny-yet-sad example of a “government fix.” I see it every time I have business at the post office, and I have been taking not of it for YEARS. The metal plaque on the wall has been held up by a poorly-applied strip of shipping tape since at least 2006, and possibly earlier.

It isn’t even a meticulous repair, one which would give the impression that a diligent federal worker made do with the best that they had and attempted to make repairs to the best of their ability. No, this asymmetrical and wrinkled piece of tape looks rather sloppy. Of course, a strip of shipping tape isn’t usually how you attach a metal decoration to a slab of marble.

The crazy thing is that this repair will have proved itself far more effective than the government health care reform takeover; I mean, after all, the shipping tape has held up for several years for me to comment on it! Meanwhile, the Hopey-Changey nature of the health care bill is only appealing to the same sponges that thought Barack Obama was going to buy them a new car and a new kitchen out of his personal “Obama Stash.” Boy, are they going to be mistaken.

Quite a different kind of snow balls

If I had a penny for every time I found myself out in the middle of a field and suddenly noticed a pyramid of old bowling balls…well, let’s just say my financial status would feel no significant impact. I was out east of Bismarck with my camera last weekend and picked up this shot. I’m sure there’s an interesting story behind this pile, but I don’t know it. Yet.

This week’s “Insanity in Packaging” brought to you by Sony

This week I performed some repair work on one of our HD video cameras after the various parts arrived. There were two Sony boxes that made me laugh when I first saw them. Notice in the picture above, the relative size of the little square replacement part to the mountain of packing material and large, square box!

But oh, it gets more amusing from there. This box is about a foot long and two inches or so square in height and length. It contained a bundled section of bubble wrap and –do you see them? — two very tiny little mounting screws!

The collective weight of these screws is certainly less than a gram, but they were in a foot-long box! Not only that, they were also double-bagged in two tiny zip-loc baggies!

I suppose there are some interesting reasons why such boxes are chosen for things, and Sony isn’t the only one that ships us stuff in abnormally large boxes. In this case, it prevented some very small, very important parts from being lost or misplaced due to a tiny box escaping notice or falling into a nook or cranny somewhere. The larger box actually shipped for free since it was a backordered part. It can also be cost prohibitive for a company to stock the right size box for absolutely every possible combination of parts. Still, when something shows up in a box 1,000 times its size, it’s fun to enjoy a good laugh.

What if your balloon soared up to the sky…and got stuck?

I noticed this the other day at the Bismarck Airport and grabbed a quick photo with my cell phone. The ceiling in the airport was painted with a sky texture by Ric Sprynczynatyk when the new terminal was built, and seeing someone’s balloon stuck up against the ceiling reminded me of the movie The Truman Show. It’s way up there, too…so either it will be allowed to drift down on its own as it deflates over time, or someone has to get a BB gun! I’d volunteer for that last one, but the TSA would have a heart attack unless I got permission first.

Hike with the camera on the deer season’s opening weekend? Even I ain’t that crazy

To paraphrase my friend Rob’s caption for this photo, “How to spot a North Dakotan who’s had a DUI.”

I’ve been out with my camera during deer season before, although I’ve never been stupid enough to venture off the road. Even parked along an established road like 93rd Street southeast of town, the ringing of gunfire in all directions made me a little too nervous. I haven’t taken my camera out of the bag much lately because of the cold/flu/sinus thing ravaging our house, but if I do I think it’ll be well within city limits.

Bringin’ the roof down…well, actually peeling it off

I was on my way to a decisive victory on the air hockey table at Midway Lanes, when I had to do a double-take. This truck was parked in front of the Dakota Maid Bakery building. Something looked a little weird about the top and back of the truck. Yep, when I turned around to take a look, I knew my peripheral vision had been correct.

Owie. I’m not sure exactly where this damage was performed, but it sure looked ugly. The top of the truck was literally peeled back. The roll-up door was up, so I’m guessing they just parked it and transferred the cargo to a new truck. Bummer.

That reminded me of the other day, when I was sitting in a McDonald’s with my boys. A little truck came by with a ladder in the back, propped up against the cab. It was clearly too high to make it through most drive-thrus, and I heard another table of customers remark about it. The truck went around the back in the drive-thru lane, but we never saw what transpired. When you have two toddlers and a lot of ketchup handy, there’s not much time to be gawking at the parking lot.

I could tell some funny insider stories about the KFYR-TV live truck with the antenna mast on top of it, but I’ll just leave that to your imagination 😉