I love finding places like this

Rolling through Sheyenne last weekend, I spotted this beautiful building. I’m just old enough to remember when one could get tubes to repair older TVs and shops like this had plenty of business. It’s a whole new world now; when my garage TV went *pop* and malfunctioned, all I had to do was order a $30 circuit board, replace the one with the blown transistor, and I was in business. Sadly, that meant the end of most TV repair shops, but I guess that’s progress. Doesn’t seem like it when we see shops boarded up, but time marches on…

School’s out…forever

I hope you read that title in Alice Cooper’s voice. I was going through some photos from 2022 recently, looking for a selfie I took in a Blackhawk helicopter, when I came across this one. I don’t believe I’d posted it before! By the way, this was an iPhone photo…not something I typically do on this blog. But the cameras in those things are getting so darn good – especially on my 15 Pro.

I actually came across the GPS waypoint for this little school, nestled in the far northwestern corner of our state, a day or two ago while looking for something else as well. I guess it was destined to get my attention!

I remember the moment I took this photo. First, it was drizzling. Second, I was near the intersection of the borders with both Montana and Canada. In fact, I believe my phone was roaming just like I was! I got one of those “you’re now in Canada” roaming messages on it. And third, it was a fantastic find. I even noted that in my map when I marked the waypoint for it. I’m glad I had the chance to post it!

One of my favorite Fallen Farms

I spotted this gem of a barn on the way back from a speech competition in northwestern North Dakota. My boy had performed quite well, so it was a Proud Dad moment. My eyes are always scanning while driving, a trait which has kept me alive through many years of motorcycling and motorcycle racing, and naturally that translates well to my photography hobby. Well, an inattentive eye would have missed this scene. Thankfully, being alert paid off: I pulled over, grabbed my gear from the trunk, bolted to the best vantage point, and got the shot.

On the road again

I actually got to roam a little bit this weekend, and I had some incredibly fortunate timing when it comes to the fog. I caught the perfect window which allowed me to fly my drone safely and legally, and the fog which remained gave the perfect diffusion to the harsh winter sun, eliminating those pesky late-year shadows.

This was a targeted trip, but it came with several bonuses. One of them is this old Union Pacific rail car! The others…well, they’re waiting to be processed. We’ll see what time allows.

Wayward wagon

I was venturing down a rural highway in northeastern North Dakota when I spotted this old wagon on a hill overlooking the road. I actually had to keep moving, as I had a deadline to meet up at Icelandic State Park, but I punched a quick marker in my Garmin in case I ever came this way again. Not likely, I thought. But then…

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My new favorite autumn spot: Tetrault Overlook

I’ll come right out and say it: the single greatest hindrance to my photography hobby is gas money. More directly, the lack of gas money is an enormous obstacle. So when I got the chance to head to the Pembina Gorge area with my sweetie, I jumped all over it. I had some recommendations from friends, and this one turned out to be perfect…

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Hey! In Maddock

One of my favorite road trip activities is to exclaim, “Hay!” whenever we encounter a bunch of hay. Of course, as a city kid I’m not very astute at distinguishing hay from straw, so I had better be careful if I have a farm kid with me. Thankfully I was safe when I saw this beauty while rolling through Maddock a while back.

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Standing tall

Barn? Private elevator? I don’t claim to know, but whatever this old building is, it’s magnificent. I’d taken a wrong turn (don’t *ever* trust Apple Maps) on my way back to the highway, and while I turned around in what appeared to have been a driveway at one time I saw this. I snapped a quick photo from the window of my truck and went back to Google.

For my photography and route planning I use a hiking model GPS – two, actually – with an incredible amount of information on it, including section lines and rural roads. But they have no idea how to navigate them. That’s not their purpose. Besides, the phone apps are so darn good (Google, not Apple) and are continuously updated. So I have GPS for very specific uses, and let the mobile app(s) do the navigating.