A ride to check out some ridez

I added a mountain bike to the stable weeks ago, but I hadn’t found an opportunity to actually get out and rock it until today. I did a leisurely 15-miler around town, and in the middle of that I was able to check out a pretty cool selection of other people’s rides…or ridez, to use their style. As I biked past the capitol building, I noticed that the Carz-n-Cures charity car show event was taking place in the northwest parking lot of the capitol grounds. Naturally, I had to stop by.

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Wayward wagon

I was venturing down a rural highway in northeastern North Dakota when I spotted this old wagon on a hill overlooking the road. I actually had to keep moving, as I had a deadline to meet up at Icelandic State Park, but I punched a quick marker in my Garmin in case I ever came this way again. Not likely, I thought. But then…

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Railing on and on

When I took this photo, I was certain it wasn’t going to turn out the way I’d hoped. The sun was in the wrong place, the rail car was in the shade…it was doomed to turn out horrible, and I was already trying to plan a different time of day to arrive back at this spot. Then I looked at the results on my computer.

I’m happy to say the image I saw on my screen in the harsh daylight was not the final image I discovered when I got back home. So I don’t have a return trip planned in order to salvage this photo…but I do have the spot marked in my GPS in case I want to try something different here!

For once, I spent more time watching than photographing

We had a behind the scenes meet-and-greet with the US Air Force Thunderbirds demonstration squadron Friday in advance of the Northern Thunder air and space expo at the Grand Forks Air Force Base, and it was a fantastic way to spend a Friday! The pilots and crew were gracious hosts, answering all our questions and clearly enjoying themselves when talking about their jobs and their aircraft.

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Love tractor

I couldn’t resist a nod in the title to one of my favorite bands from the Athens era. This tractor caught my eye from a distance, and I had to go check it out. It really stood out against such a beautiful blue sky!

As colorful as it is, this thing’s really broken down. Wheel’s off. Cylinder head missing. I don’t think it’s going anywhere for a while. That’s okay…it’s really photogenic right where it’s at.