When life hands you Mayo, make photo

mayo_plummer_28842I don’t remember if I’ve alluded to it here, but I’ve been dealing with some medical stuff for a few months.  That explains why I haven’t had a lot of photography to share.  Well, in my most recent trip to Mayo Clinic, I dragged my camera bag along so I could photograph the rather unique Plummer Building on campus.

mayo_plummer_28901This building is home to some really unusual masonry work, and having a 300mm lens with me made it a lot easier to inspect more closely.  I still couldn’t find a building that gave me a nice, straight-on vantage point, but at least I got a decent angle.  One has to wonder what thought goes into these things.  I had to chuckle at the “big head, tiny body” motif going on here.


mayo_plummer_28851Then, of course, you have the gargoyles.  These beasties stand watch at each corner.  Maybe it was my mood, maybe it was my meds, but they reminded me of Sam the Eagle (you Muppets fans will get the reference) and made me chuckle.


mayo_plummer_28881Again, as a photographer I had to play with different angles and framing.  To be honest, this was the first time any of my cameras had seen the light of day in a LONG time, and I was determined to use every available minute between appointments.


mayo_plummer_28858From afar off, this looked like a bunch of Monty Python characters looking through binoculars.  It was nothing quite so strange once I zoomed in, however.  Just lots of scrolling and that sort of thing.


mayo_plummer_28883These were the spookiest of the bunch…not so much because of their shape or anything, but because of the weird symbols below them.  I stay clear of the occult as a matter of general principle, and so things like this had my Spidey sense tingling.  I don’t think it’s anyone’s way of preparing to summon Gozer or anything like that!

Thanks to the many people who have given us encouragement and support through this time.  I appreciate the help.  I appreciate the prayers.  I appreciate the love you all have shown me and my family.  I’m not in seriously bad shape, thankfully, although I’m not out of the woods just yet.  But I sure am encouraged!  Praise the Lord.