Sagging in the middle

I love this old barn. I haven’t visited it in a while, but I knew the day was going to be an excellent one for some photography. I’d just bought a new-to-me truck and wanted to give it a shakedown cruise with my oldest kiddo, so I figured I’d roam a specific area where I knew there were some photo targets I’d marked in my GPS but never visited.

I have been to this farm before…a few times, actually, but none of them recent. I’m glad I stopped by. Sometimes you get to a spot when conditions are just perfect, but some times you find the perfect subject in less-than-perfect conditions. I’d never had quite the combination of snow and sky that I’d wanted – that is, of course, until this day.

I know that huge old barn, relaxing on its haunches, tends to steal the show, but this structure out back was quite photogenic as well. And oh, those glorious skies.

I’m sure there are still some fantastic sunrises to capture as they splash this farm with those orange and red hues, so I’ll consider finding my way out there at different times of the day. With the time change coming up this weekend, it might get a little easier to roll out of bed and bolt westward on time!