This old farm

A friend actually posted a photo of this farm, taken from the road, a while back, and I was astonished that I hadn’t seen it before given its proximity to my property. So, the next Saturday morning I had available I bolted over to take a look. I had a new set of tires on my truck and was eager to see if they performed better on snow, ice, or even mud than my last ones (let’s face it, they couldn’t do worse), and I hadn’t been out on a photography jaunt in far too long.

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On the road again

I actually got to roam a little bit this weekend, and I had some incredibly fortunate timing when it comes to the fog. I caught the perfect window which allowed me to fly my drone safely and legally, and the fog which remained gave the perfect diffusion to the harsh winter sun, eliminating those pesky late-year shadows.

This was a targeted trip, but it came with several bonuses. One of them is this old Union Pacific rail car! The others…well, they’re waiting to be processed. We’ll see what time allows.

Colorful trio

This has been a challenging year for autumn photos. The trees appear to have had a really rough year, especially along the river bottoms. That means a photo like this, with trees full of leaves of any color, is a real commodity in 2023. Hopefully the trees make a full recover for next year!

A spot of color

Most of North Dakota in a nutshell here. We ain’t exactly known for our trees, ya know. But every now and then there’s a beauty like this one, and it stands in stark contrast to the open prairie. I like to think that makes us appreciate them more. After all, we don’t have many opportunities to experience that “can’t see the forest for the trees” thing!

Autumn road

I love a cloudy day when the leaves are changing. It wasn’t only cloudy, though, it was rainy. And rain plus dirt tends to equal mud. I found a lot of mud on the back roads of Morton County. In fact, I had quite a time pressure washing it from my truck when I got home! But shots like this make it all worthwhile.

Cabin in the rain

I love this little cabin. I check on it every time I drive Around the World, if you’re old enough to know what that means. This time, while checking out the fall foliage, I got what I think might be my first rainy autumn photo of it. This year has been unusually green, so the leaves have a really nice contrast to their surroundings this year.

I’ve heard multiple people mention how green this year has been. Even though much of our state has technically been in a drought, around here it has been a different story. We’ve also been spared from destructive thunderstorms and late summer wildfires. I’m glad to say it’s been a relatively uneventful summer, from a meteorological perspective. Now hopefully it’ll be a nice photogenic autumn!